Home Welcome to our cybersecurity blog

Welcome to our cybersecurity blog

About us

Thank you for visiting our cybersecurity blog!

We are Ioritz and Elisa, two computer engineers with a master’s degree in cybersecurity and various specializations in the field, along with work experience in the sector.

Cybersecurity is our passion, and we are constantly learning and staying updated. We love taking on new challenges, which is why we created this blog. We are thrilled to share our experiences and knowledge in this exciting field.

We hope you find useful information and also inspiration to keep learning on our blog. Cybersecurity is a constantly evolving journey, and together, we will progress towards a safer and more trustworthy digital environment.

For us, passion, motivation, and perseverance are crucial. This is just the first version of the blog, but we will keep it updated as we continue to learn and grow.

Hacking to learn

This blog can be displayed on both GitHub accounts:

Ioritz Urrestarazu Simón:       
Elisa Alises Nuñez:       
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.